Friday, April 23, 2010

The idea

The idea struck me when I was taking a shower today. One loan a day. I am referring to micro-loans. Basically, $25 a shot. Similar to the theory of sponsoring someone, but with a potential pay back on many levels. The satisfaction that you, and others, are helping someone that wants to help themselves. And, you will probably get your money back so you can do it all over again.

But can I afford it? Who knows!

First, I'm starting with the idea. Then, I have a bit of research to do. Luckily I came across a recent article in LifeHacker that listed a few micro-loan sites.

  1. set a blog to track this information, the idea - done
  2. how much am I talking about - done
  3. can I embark on this task - to do
  4. find out what micro-loan sites are available - to do
  5. register on sites - to do
  6. link things together - to do
  7. spread the word - to do (see also link things together)
This should be fun!

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